Where has c21 worked

c21 has been used across Australia for more than 15 years. It has been used in all types of departments/schools - from Vet Science, through Biomedical Science, Dentistry, Medicine and Nuclear medicine.

Bond University

In the last 12 months c21 has taken a strategic role in development of curriculum at Bond Universities Faculty of Medicine and Health Science.


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James Cook University

c21 has been used across a number of programs for over 5 years now. It has successfuly supported Australian Dental Council and Australian Medical Council processes of accreditation.


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La Trobe University

c21 supported the development of dental and oral health therapy programs at La Trobe University


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The University of Western Australia

c21 has its origins in development of accreditation systems for dental programs at UWA in the late 1990's.

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