Curriculum mapping

For the last 15 years in professional tertiary education courses mapping of curriculum content has been a vital element. Today, this has become essential in all courses in higher education. One of the national leading tools for doing this has been c21 and now we have brought it to the wider higher educational sector.

Cloud based

No programs to install. No problems with computer management. Just use your browser to access c21. Have multiple users, have users at home, overseas as well as at the office - no problems. Unlimited users to a single simple data system.


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Are all my course outcomes covered?

The biggest worry for curriculum managers is to make sure the TEQSA requirements for mapping course outcomes to subjects has been done and is right. Sleep easy, c21 gives simple, realtime, maps that, as your course evolves, you can keep testing to make sure everything is documents as your university and TEQSA wants it.

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Desktop, laptop, table, phone!

Need to check your subject maps anywhere. c21 is designed to operate on all systems and all hardware.


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Tensoft Consulting